i can’t bend it like beckham…

I’ve never prided myself on being athletic. In fact, I’ll be the first one to admit that in high school I ran a speedy 13.26 minute mile! And this weekend was no exception to my athletic skills. Because Saturday? Well, Saturday WAS MOVING DAY!


And my body is paying for it now. Big time. I’ve never done so many squats, curls, and whatever other mumbo-jumbo gym talk you want to throw in there. My right knee hates me right now and the thought of spending another minute lifting, unpacking, etc. makes me throw up just a little bit in my mouth. Anywho, I really can’t complain. We had like 15 people helping us and by 2p.m. on Saturday we had everything in the house and the kitchen “stuff” all unpacked.


By the way, can I tell you how in LOVE I am with my new kitchen? Here’s a little peek…


my amazing little kitchen!

And to show my admiration for the man that can bend it like, well, Beckham – here is the sweetest picture I’ve seen of David Beckham taken with his son Brooklyn at a Lakers game this weekend! Hope you all had a pretty nice little Saturday (as my buddy Will Ferrell would say…)

Photo courtesy of PEOPLE

Photo courtesy of PEOPLE

~ by etrevallion on November 10, 2008.

3 Responses to “i can’t bend it like beckham…”

  1. LOVE the kitchen! My muscles are still tight from my move.

  2. you survived!! congrats 🙂 and the new kitchen is purdy

  3. […] sorry I suck at blogging” thing again. But, I am sorry. You see, apparently when you buy a house, you can do nothing else but fix, paint, and SHOP for that house. Needless to say, I’ve been […]

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